Page name: It's Angel!!! [Logged in view] [RSS]
2015-10-09 15:31:54
Last author: The Hidden Flame
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[IT'S ANGEL!!!] :)

This is the base for the peoples who LOVE Angel / [One More Worthless Fallen Angel]!!!
Wiki page created by [Vaughne]
This page can be freely edited!

see in this pic you can see how big my nose really is >_< *pukes*
(By.[The Incredible Bulk]

Wanna know what Angel's wings look like? Sorta like this::

[Hello people, Angel talking. Feels GOOD to be loved! Haha... erm... yeah... heh.... OVER AND OUT!]

.......TO FIND A SPECIAL PERSON, .......
.........A DAY TO LOVE THEM, ........
..........AN ENTIRE LIFE TIME.........
..............TO 4GET THEM.............
.............U'LL NEVER 4GET..............
.........ITS A SHORT COMMENT..........
...........TO LET THEM KNOW.............
.......IT MEAN UR'RE IN A HURRY.......
..........AND THAT U 4GOTTEN.........
...............UR FRIENDZ

[emzy]-ur my cuz!- duh!!!
[;;Melodrama Junkie] Jump the list? I WOULD NEVER! Aw love ^^ You need like 500million wiki pages xD
[phoenixborn]. Angel I loves you! You rocks my non-existent toe-socks! And if I were even remotely gay I would marry you in a second. Or at least settle for casual sex. And yes, I did jump to the top of the list. What's your point? :P
[Vaughne] Angel you are my best buddy and I love you forever!!!!!!! thanks for just being there and for being the coolest, nicest guy ever! you know im always here for you <3
[Empty~Soul] yay!!
[madness] yay! i didnt know this page existed! angel protected me!!! yay!
[Glover.] your hair sucks worse than mine and thats saying something...
[nevan] :D You Rock!
[Necrobioticrash] SHITCUNT... Yeah thats right.
[no name ear] because you are one of my only friends on here haha... and i guess we are related 0_o
[(*|_Buster_|*)] He's a rapist. I saw 'im!
[Spoonmad] W00t, friends in killing!!
[i love david tennant FULL STOP] well im not really sure why i joined, well to explain myself i will write you an essay. well basically, cool as this thing is i didnt really know what i was doing at the time and i never realised that you could do this. when i signed up i had no idea what elfpack was, obviously now i do but im still a bit confused. you could say i joined this page/club/thing for advice?!?! well i dont know what the hell im supposed to say do i ? i am just stunned into a state of shock and i am writing whatever comes into my head. well, nice as this is i think i will stop now or you may kill me.... bye bye xxx no actually i think i will make it just a bit longer, its amazing, you see sometimes my imaginationm takes over and well i may never stop, ever...ever!!!!!! ok ok now i see your going red with anger so ( in my imagination obviously cos i cant actually see you,that would be amazing if i could but i cant im afraid. or so im told by the little man in my brain) ok good bye... actually no, i think i want to write just a little more. just to annoy you hehe soooo what a beautiful day it is today. a little snow on the ground, the sun in the sky and my fingers are really cold!!! so cold it hurts!!! 
[The Hidden Flame] Hi 'Angel' mind if I stick to Will lol! I can't believe people actually like this loser let alone love!!! Lol j/k mate see you. Fire, Fire!!! XD
[shinobi14] Hey, who doesnt love Angel? He is a good person, no matter how strange a person he is, a good person none the less ^___^. Hmmmm... He was there for me when i was upset. THAT counted. I value that a lot. And im totally liking the fact that he doesnt specify what gender he is in his house, too. Very cool. ^___^ You rock, Angel. XD
[Echoes in the moonlight] Heya Will!! ^__^ I think I'll do the same as Chris and stick to Will rather than 'Angel' ^__^ Hey great night the other night should do it more often, and maybe you should get your lazy ass into Science more often, stop abandoning me! It's fun fun fun, honest! ^__^
[The Incredible Bulk] no roooom...erm *tackle hugs everyone here*
[Miss.PYRO™] YOU PROPER ROCK. even if you complain abaout being thin ¬_¬. but you are still UBER COOL and definitely deserve this wiki. *hugs for angel*
[Luna Armonial] Ish my cool random friend Angel *clings & whispers* Ish mine !!!
[Supernova.] MY ANGEL *pockets Angel* miiiiine *pats pocket*
[Asator Stormbringer] Will.., this is my last promise to you, here, so everyone can see it.., I'll make you proud one last time bro, I'm gonna let everyone know what a great guy you where and still are, and I'll let you know, and everyone else, that every person on this page loves you, with every possible fiber of their being.., I know they do cuz you are an angel.
love you bro.
[Twisted Purgatory] Will you're a loser. And a twat. And many other things. And you're not as good as me. Oh and my play dough figures were better than yours in year 3. You know it's true. If you argue I shall eat you. No lie. Well other than that you're an okay guy (maybe...). Well okay you're one of the best mates I have and I love you. Happy now? You'd better be, you know how much it burns to say something nice.
[Maverick.] hey will you're a loser but i love you XD

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2007-09-30 [Demon in my View]: he will

2007-09-30 [Lonely Shadow]: you don't know that for certain.

2007-09-30 [The Incredible Bulk]: and you don't know that he won't.*hugs josh*

2007-09-30 [Lonely Shadow]: -hugs alice- you're right I don't know either way which is my issue... I've been tryin' to avoid the subject so badly it isn't funny

2007-09-30 [The Incredible Bulk]: *hugs you tighlty and kneels down*

2007-09-30 [Demon in my View]: ya but he hasn't been trying to avoid you what so ever

2007-09-30 [Lonely Shadow]: it's not him that I'm trying to avoid, it's the fact that in less then 2 days time I could be burying 2 people I love instead of just one...

2007-09-30 [Luna Armonial]: *growls, shakes my head walking towards a dark corner*

2007-09-30 [Demon in my View]: then don't think about 2 think about one.. but then i wouldn't know what it's like to lose someone i love to death. *hugs* you can be strong about it and be strong for Will

2007-09-30 [Lonely Shadow]: -hugs- I know, I'm freaked about Will and my cousin... she lost her daughter saturday morning

2007-09-30 [The Incredible Bulk]: *hugs josh and leans back slighlty*

2007-09-30 [Demon in my View]: awww.. omg i'm so sorry.. but don't think of it as so morbidly... think of it as helping her in a way not everyone else can...

2007-09-30 [Luna Armonial]: *sits in darkness, extends my claws closing my eyes*

2007-09-30 [The Incredible Bulk]: *walks over to luna and sits by her*

2007-09-30 [Lonely Shadow]: Within... sweetie the baby was healthy and alive until they broke her water... when they broke the water they broke the placenta and that's what killed her...

2007-09-30 [Luna Armonial]: *whispers to myself, looks up at Alice extending my wing* Any one who needs a sobbing block i'm more then willing to listen & comfort...

2007-09-30 [Demon in my View]: hm *nods* i'm sorry... i'm just saying if you honestly have to help burry her, then it should be an honor no?

2007-10-01 [Echoes in the moonlight]: Wow I forgot about this page (^__^)

2007-10-01 [The Incredible Bulk]: been so long? *luaghs adn sits down*

2007-10-01 [Echoes in the moonlight]: Been that long since I came on this website- no one talks to me **laughs**

2007-10-01 [The Incredible Bulk]: i'll start talking to you then ^___^"

2007-10-01 [Echoes in the moonlight]: (^__^) Finally someone does (^__^) I was so shocked I logged on and I had 12 messages as apposed to 1! (^__^)

2007-10-01 [The Incredible Bulk]: aww..hehe ^__^,well from now on alyse will talk to you*nods*

2007-10-01 [Echoes in the moonlight]: (^__^) **happy now**

2007-10-01 [The Incredible Bulk]: hehe ^__^..*hugs you and sits down*

2007-10-01 [Echoes in the moonlight]: **hugs back and bends backwards into a crab** Hello there (^__^)

2007-10-01 [The Incredible Bulk]: *claps and bends my hand bckawrds past till it tuches my wrist*

2007-10-01 [Echoes in the moonlight]: *claps also and stands, then does the splits*

2007-10-01 [Lonely Shadow]: Within' I wish it was that simple but shouldn't have to be burying her at all.... you people are strange

2007-10-01 [The Incredible Bulk]: *raises eyebrows* that is impressive

2007-10-01 [The Incredible Bulk]: *leans agaisnt a tree and pulls my leg up so my foot is on my collar bone*

2007-10-01 [Echoes in the moonlight]: *nods* I'm very flexible it's weird (^__^)

2007-10-01 [The Incredible Bulk]: im double jointed in ym legs back ankles wrists,fingers,thumbs adn hands

2007-10-01 [Lonely Shadow]: -gags a bit- eww

2007-10-01 [The Incredible Bulk]: ..and of course jaw..^_^well toodles around 3 hours

2007-10-01 [Echoes in the moonlight]: Alright (^__^) Well i can bend in all types of weird ways, the guys all either call me a freak or they ask me to show them a certain thing, depending on how they feel (^__^)

2007-10-01 [Lonely Shadow]: (v_v) that could be taken in such a wrong context lol

2007-10-01 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: yup...yall a bunch of freaks

2007-10-01 [Lonely Shadow]: isn't that the pot calling the kettle black

2007-10-01 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: i know im a freak...*smirks* and this pot shines like silver thank you!

2007-10-01 [Echoes in the moonlight]: It could be I can't believe I was that slow to get that one... that was bad I am ashamed

2007-10-01 [Lonely Shadow]: lyon such a liar sometimes XP -sighs and sits against a tree-

2007-10-01 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *shakes head* nuh uh!

2007-10-01 [Echoes in the moonlight]: I enjoy my freakness....

2007-10-01 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: well, i do too...its fun

2007-10-01 [Echoes in the moonlight]: Yeah it is very fun (^__^)

2007-10-01 [Luna Armonial]: *laughs, looks down from a nearby tree* Now if you ask me why i'm such a freak i'm not pointing fingers or saying anything...*smirks, leans back*

2007-10-01 [Echoes in the moonlight]: **smiles** Wow I feel like such an outsider....

2007-10-01 [Luna Armonial]: *jumps down at looks at Lana with a smile* Not an outsider...Have you heard anything on Will ?

2007-10-01 [Echoes in the moonlight]: I haven't left his side for two days... there were complications like he said and we were taken out of the room three times in two hours, his heart stopped once and he stopped breathing twice.

2007-10-01 [Luna Armonial]: Is he ok ?

2007-10-01 [Echoes in the moonlight]: He's out of it. He's heavily sedated.

2007-10-01 [Luna Armonial]: Thanks for letting me know, just trying to find out for Josh cause he hasn't gotten any information...So i appreciate you letting me know...

2007-10-01 [Echoes in the moonlight]: I've told him don't worry.

2007-10-01 [Luna Armonial]: Thanks...Nice to know ^_^ He'll be alright...

2007-10-01 [Echoes in the moonlight]: I hope he will (^__^) So anyway how are you?

2007-10-01 [Luna Armonial]: Good & how about yourself ?

2007-10-01 [Echoes in the moonlight]: Fine thank you, and surprised people randomly started talking to me (^__^)

2007-10-01 [Luna Armonial]: Haven't seen you on here for awhile so haven't really had the chance to say hi & see how you were, glad to here your alright though.

2007-10-01 [Echoes in the moonlight]: **smiles** Yeah, I didn't bother with this place as no one spoke to me (^__^)

2007-10-01 [Lonely Shadow]: yea she told me luna, just doesn't make it any easier to hear it and I had to go to the hospital myself today and damn near wanted to blow it up

2007-10-01 [Echoes in the moonlight]: Not a good thing honey...

2007-10-01 [Lonely Shadow]: I know it's not just got me thinkin' that the last possible thing Will see's is a stupid place like that and just yea I'm on the edge

2007-10-01 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *pokes your nose* well, its not going to be, so calm down, will ya?

2007-10-01 [Luna Armonial]: *looks up* Trade you, i can't breath as it is, i feel like my chest is going to cave in...

2007-10-01 [Lonely Shadow]: -snaps playfully at lyon's finger- you know how my mind works... you know it'll go through every hellish possibility

2007-10-01 [Echoes in the moonlight]: The last thing he will see is his friends you can be sure of that, and that will not be for many years.

2007-10-01 [Lonely Shadow]: -smiles and hugs everyone- hopefully not me though cause we don't need to scare him that much ^_^

2007-10-01 [Echoes in the moonlight]: **laughs** Don't be silly.

2007-10-01 [Luna Armonial]: *stands up & walks off*

2007-10-01 [Lonely Shadow]: -smiles- just tryin' to get my mind clear

2007-10-01 [Echoes in the moonlight]: I'm focusing on lots of other things... I wish Dave was online **pouts**

2007-10-01 [Lonely Shadow]: where is the lugnut anyways?

2007-10-01 [Echoes in the moonlight]: Who Dave?

2007-10-01 [Lonely Shadow]: -nods- yups

2007-10-01 [Echoes in the moonlight]: He's at the hospital, staying with him overnight... he told me to come home. Well forced me to.

2007-10-01 [Lonely Shadow]: a good and not a good thing... I'm glad he made you come back cause now we all know but not glad that he forced you into it

2007-10-01 [Echoes in the moonlight]: Well forced is a strong word... he is very persuasive... And I listen to him alot.

2007-10-01 [Lonely Shadow]: he vocally persuaded ^_^

2007-10-01 [Echoes in the moonlight]: Yeah (^__^) I listen to him too much... I always have, and I'm probably the only person he listens to (^__^)

2007-10-01 [Lonely Shadow]: nice lol least it's a good thing

2007-10-01 [Echoes in the moonlight]: He's very sutbborn and I talk him round **dances** (^__^)

2007-10-01 [Lonely Shadow]: -sings and sits back against a tree-

2007-10-01 [Echoes in the moonlight]: **practises my gymnastics**

2007-10-01 [Lonely Shadow]: -curls up into a ball so not to trip you-

2007-10-01 [Echoes in the moonlight]: **does a handstand and walks forwards on hands then falls backwards into a crab, and jumps in a circle landing on her feet again*

2007-10-01 [Lonely Shadow]: -laughs and applauds-

2007-10-01 [Echoes in the moonlight]: **smiles** Thanks (^__^) **does a load of backflips*

2007-10-01 [Lonely Shadow]: -laughs- Welcome ^_^

2007-10-01 [Echoes in the moonlight]: **does some more backflips, stretching out her back**

2007-10-01 [Luna Armonial]: *sits in darkness & sings to myself*

2007-10-01 [Echoes in the moonlight]: **lands in another crab and holds it for as long as possible**

2007-10-01 [Lonely Shadow]: -tickles lana and laughs-

2007-10-01 [Echoes in the moonlight]: **laughs and falls over** Ah! Everyone's tickling me! (^__^)

2007-10-01 [Lonely Shadow]: lol yay ^_^ tickle her until she refuses to say she's sorry again :P

2007-10-01 [Echoes in the moonlight]: Noooo!!!! **tries to run away**

2007-10-01 [Luna Armonial]: *shrugs, arches completely backwards hearing my back pop as i rest my chest on the ground* Anyone else besides me bored today ?

2007-10-01 [Echoes in the moonlight]: **nods** I have been

2007-10-01 [Lonely Shadow]: not bored just seems like the day is forever going

2007-10-01 [Echoes in the moonlight]: I've been bored since I've been back home... and my brother is driving me mad

2007-10-01 [Lonely Shadow]: beat on him

2007-10-01 [Echoes in the moonlight]: Already did he's not getting the message... and normally I'm really nice to my little brother

2007-10-01 [Lonely Shadow]: what's he doing?

2007-10-01 [Echoes in the moonlight]: Just asking me annoying questions and not leaving me be when he knows I'm upset

2007-10-01 [Lonely Shadow]: what kind of questions? and then lock him in a bedroom or basement lol >.<

2007-10-01 [Echoes in the moonlight]: Lol like I said I'm nice to him (^__^) Well, just stuff like 'where have you been' 'where's Will gone' etc... and 'why aren't you and Dave togehter any more' I mean... grr

2007-10-01 [Lonely Shadow]: wow that last one is a lil line crossing but the first two are alright

2007-10-01 [Luna Armonial]: *yawns, walks off*

2007-10-01 [Echoes in the moonlight]: What kind of a retarded brother do I have? **rolls eyes**

2007-10-01 [Lonely Shadow]: none really, least yours cares, mine are so off in their own universe that they wouldn't know the world ended if they were the first to be told

2007-10-01 [Lonely Shadow]: an fyi I'm watchin' my cousin's son so if I don't talk right away it's cause I'm chasing him down

2007-10-01 [Echoes in the moonlight]: He doesn't really care he just knew that Dave was a boy and therefore someone he could play on a gamestation with

2007-10-01 [Empty~Soul]: is this the one thats mean?

2007-10-01 [Lonely Shadow]: lol least he fits the typical guy profile ^_^... no this is the one that hyperactive and a bit out there

2007-10-01 [Empty~Soul]: oh the one that you said would be easy to spoil

2007-10-01 [Lonely Shadow]: yea he's a bit spoiled already lol

2007-10-01 [Empty~Soul]: lol ok

2007-10-01 [Echoes in the moonlight]: My brother's sweet but evil

2007-10-01 [Lonely Shadow]: my cousin is evil but rarely do you see the sweet side... little runt tried to bite me this mornin'

2007-10-01 [Echoes in the moonlight]: Anyways I gotta go, so ttyl all (^__^)

2007-10-01 [Lonely Shadow]: cya hun -hugs you tight- remember to tell Will I love him

2007-10-01 [Luna Armonial]: *sits in a distant tree thinking*

2007-10-02 [Echoes in the moonlight]: I told him (^__^) Though I don't think he really heard me he was still out

2007-10-02 [The Incredible Bulk]: *does slow mation run then goes into uuber quick adn tackles lana*..hello ^_^

2007-10-02 [Echoes in the moonlight]: **laughs** Hello! **hugs**

2007-10-02 [The Incredible Bulk]: *hugs abck adn fluffles your hair* are yah?

2007-10-02 [Echoes in the moonlight]: Tired! (^__^) You??

2007-10-02 [The Incredible Bulk]: still ill..had another day off school becuase of my damn chest infection..

2007-10-02 [Echoes in the moonlight]: Oh that's not pretty =( **huggles**

2007-10-02 [The Incredible Bulk]: *huggles back*..its going careful not to catch it

2007-10-02 [Echoes in the moonlight]: **shrugs** I am immune to such things- I have the bucket of power (^__^)

2007-10-02 [The Incredible Bulk]: lucky!!..*sneezew violently*

2007-10-02 [Echoes in the moonlight]: Bless you (^__^)

2007-10-02 [The Incredible Bulk]: thankyou..^_^..*shiffles and brings out drawing book*

2007-10-02 [Echoes in the moonlight]: **starts doing her stretches for the day**

2007-10-02 [The Incredible Bulk]: *starts drwing adn gnaws on pencil*

2007-10-02 [Echoes in the moonlight]: **does some stretches and then a handstand**

2007-10-02 [The Incredible Bulk]: *claps adn nods*

2007-10-02 [Echoes in the moonlight]: **walks forwards on her hands and then stands again** I don't know which ones to do... my dance teacher set me this homework and I don't know which ones to practise...

2007-10-02 [The Incredible Bulk]: practice them all ^^

2007-10-02 [Echoes in the moonlight]: Don't know which to start with (^__^)

2007-10-02 [The Incredible Bulk]: start with the hardest

2007-10-02 [Echoes in the moonlight]: **thinks then does a running jump into three backflips and lands with an arab spring**

2007-10-02 [The Incredible Bulk]: *widesn eyes and claps vigerously*

2007-10-02 [Echoes in the moonlight]: **smiles** Thanks... What else?

2007-10-02 [The Incredible Bulk]: *Ponders*..the second hardest?

2007-10-02 [Echoes in the moonlight]: **thinks** Okay... **takes a running leap in the air and does the splits in the air, landing on the floor in the splits and stands then does a backflip**

2007-10-02 [The Incredible Bulk]: ...wish i could do the splits..damn you must be good at gymnastics..

2007-10-02 [Echoes in the moonlight]: **nods** Not good enough to reach my brother's standard apparently but good enough (^__^)

2007-10-02 [The Incredible Bulk]: wish i was that good.. i can only draw..and not even well

2007-10-02 [Echoes in the moonlight]: You can draw well (^__^) Very well!

2007-10-02 [The Incredible Bulk]: ..*shakes head*.nah ah

2007-10-02 [Echoes in the moonlight]: Yes you can don't be modest (^__^)

2007-10-02 [The Incredible Bulk]: i'm saying what i think..*nods*

2007-10-02 [Echoes in the moonlight]: Keep it zipped madam (^__^)

2007-10-02 [The Incredible Bulk]: ..*pokes you and stick my tongue out*

2007-10-02 [Echoes in the moonlight]: Zipped (^__^)

2007-10-02 [The Incredible Bulk]: *pokes you with a stick*

2007-10-02 [Echoes in the moonlight]: **steals the stick** Mine now (^__^)

2007-10-02 [The Incredible Bulk]: *looks up at you with HUGE puppy dog eyes adn does lower lip tremble*

2007-10-02 [Echoes in the moonlight]: **gets you a new bigger and shinier one**

2007-10-02 [The Incredible Bulk]: *takes it adn gnaws on it then huggles yoou*

2007-10-02 [Echoes in the moonlight]: **huggles and then huggles the stick**

2007-10-02 [The Incredible Bulk]: stick hugger!!!

2007-10-02 [Echoes in the moonlight]: **nods and laughs** Always!

2007-10-02 [The Incredible Bulk]: *clcisk ym enck*..i have to go ina round 10 moments

2007-10-02 [Echoes in the moonlight]: Awww no leavy me?

2007-10-02 [The Incredible Bulk]: fine..15 mins more just for lana ^_^

2007-10-02 [Echoes in the moonlight]: Yay!! Just for me xD

2007-10-02 [The Incredible Bulk]: yup yup..and i mean are basicaly the only person im talking to

2007-10-02 [Echoes in the moonlight]: Heehee same here! (^__^)

2007-10-02 [The Incredible Bulk]: yay..*dances*..*fluffles up your hair again*

2007-10-02 [Lonely Shadow]: lol only cause I ish not here

2007-10-02 [The Incredible Bulk]: *flciks joshy* i have joshypoo's and lana-kins

2007-10-02 [Echoes in the moonlight]: Lana-kins?? New one!

2007-10-02 [The Incredible Bulk]: ..hehe ^__^..will=ANGELPOO's..josh usually=joshy

2007-10-02 [Echoes in the moonlight]: Heehee xD I like it (^__^)

2007-10-02 [The Incredible Bulk]: lana-kins ^_^

2007-10-02 [Echoes in the moonlight]: Alice-kins?

2007-10-02 [Lonely Shadow]: lol NO JOSHYPOO I hate that nickname

2007-10-02 [The Incredible Bulk]: yayaness ^_^..

2007-10-02 [Echoes in the moonlight]: Which one, Joshypoo or Joshy? (^__^)

2007-10-02 [Lonely Shadow]: I hate joshypoo... so please just stick to Joshy

2007-10-02 [Echoes in the moonlight]: Okay Joshy (^__^)

2007-10-02 [Lonely Shadow]: yay ^_^

2007-10-02 [Echoes in the moonlight]: (^__^) I like the name Joshy it's cute xD

2007-10-02 [Lonely Shadow]: lol I got yelled at once cause it sounded kiddish >.<

2007-10-02 [Echoes in the moonlight]: Aww it's cute ignore them xD

2007-10-02 [Lonely Shadow]: I told em I'm glad it sounds kiddish cause bloody hell I need a childhood sometime

2007-10-02 [Echoes in the moonlight]: Childhood rocks... I want it again

2007-10-02 [Lonely Shadow]: I wish I had one, but hopefullly Will can give mine back

2007-10-02 [Empty~Soul]: o.o? i dont wanna know

2007-10-02 [Echoes in the moonlight]: Mine was boring I wanted to do more stuff (^__^)

2007-10-02 [Lonely Shadow]: lol we can go off and cause trouble together

2007-10-02 [Empty~Soul]: mine was interesting cause my family is crazy

2007-10-02 [Echoes in the moonlight]: (^__^) Will'll like that xD My family's crazy too (^__^)

2007-10-02 [Lonely Shadow]: -sings- mine is crazy just not the fun way

2007-10-02 [Lonely Shadow]: lol Will's already got me crazy

2007-10-02 [Empty~Soul]: joshy can tell you im the normal one in my family and i have a.d.d so what does that tell you

2007-10-02 [Echoes in the moonlight]: Dave's got me crazier!

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